AITA for not picking between my fiancé and my cat?

OP, have you been around cats all your life? My OB said it was fine for me to do litter (hubby was deployed) with gloves. I had been around cats all my life though, so the disease (can’t remember) I most likely was immune to or already had. As far as cats being dangerous- what? Some believe that a cat will suck the life out of a baby, is this your MIL’s superstitious way of thinking? Cats love warm spots, and babies are warm, so they will lay near a baby, and you have to watch them, but usually they stay away, especially if you shoo them away enough. I never had a problem. But no, you shouldn’t have to pick, that is not a fair ask. Fiancé sounds like he has cold feet. Call him on it and ask if he is having second thoughts about having a family. I mean, 19 is super young. No matter, he has responsibilities, and he has to help with this baby financially if not physically. But if he is going to be a child, then it is best he not stick around so that you are raising two babies.

/r/AITAH Thread