My Son is homeless and I am not moving him in...AITAH?

Depends, what’s his disability? We have far too many homeless due to family throwing in the towel. Sometimes it’s due to safety and our system fails them and us as parents. Other times though parents are just tired and had it and want to get on with their own lives, imo that’s not ok and would make you ta. Obviously another concern is what is yours son’s capabilities? My son has disorganized schizophrenia. If I threw him out it’d be similar to throwing a 6’ 200lbs 6-13 year old out to fend for themselves. It’d be cruel and he’d likely be criminalized and victimized by society. Either way I would not be charging any of my kids a fee to come home and shower, do laundry and whatever else. This boils down more then anything to your safety and what can you live with yourself. If it’s about frustration, money, time, energy, effort, etc. ytah. If it’s about safety you’re nta. In the end, society has majorly failed not just those with severe disabilities but also those who want to care for them. I know all too well our hands are tied with the lies of “let them get arrested so they can get the help they need” as if…..

/r/AITAH Thread