Husband no longer wants to share location because I questioned his whereabouts.

I’m torn on this one…

You’re not the AH for questioning his whereabouts, but you are for looking in the first place.

I shared my location with my partner while he was alive, for safety reasons. I felt safer knowing he could see where I was.

He didn’t mind sharing his with me too although I never asked.

I never once had the urge to check his location, not once. If I needed to know when he’d be home or his whereabouts for whatever reason, I’d text or call him. I never checked his location.

The fact you feel like you have to check where he is, instead of just asking him (for me) feels like you wouldn’t trust his answer if you were to ask.

Which further leads me to believe this isn’t the first incident where trust has been broken/questioned, despite what you’ve said.

Like I said, NTA for questioning AFTER checking, but kinda are the AH for checking in the first place instead of asking.

/r/AITAH Thread