AITA for not wanting to risk getting Covid?

Yes. I have a “Mitigation Protocol.” I should add, I’m not a doctor. I’m a lawyer who was raised by healthcare professionals, so I am able to read and understand medical studies and reports to plan my attack. My motto: “Survival takes effort.”

With any virus, your goal has to be preventing viral replication.

The vaccine and N95 properly fitted mask are excellent for preventing infection— depending on your level of exposure. If you are the only one masking in a crowded venue, your mask will stop working at some point. But in the course of daily life, uncrowded indoor situations, your vaccine and mask WILL protect you from infection. Bonus: the mask can also help prevent brain damage, since Covid tunnels directly from your nose to your brain.

But if you have the misfortune to be exposed or infected, there are ways to prevent or slow REPLICATION to lessen the severity of the outcome, if any. Be an inhospitable host. Do not let shit get inside and do nothing. Shut it down.

In addition to always masking, to clear viral particles that may sneak past my mask & vaccine, every day I:

-Gargle w/CPC containing mouthwash, to which you’ve added a full cap of vodka (or other high strength alcohol, fit for human consumption. NEVER rubbing alcohol.) At least 2x daily, more if I’m paranoid or exposed. I also carry a spray bottle of it and squirt my throat, occasionally, if nervous.

  • Nasal irrigation. If using a Neti-pot (which you fill yourself), only use distilled water or water that has been boiled for sterilization. Never, ever use tap water. You can also use commercially prepared sinus rinses. I take a gallon of distilled water, add 33 1g NaCl (sodium chloride) tablets and let it dissolve. I add that to my neti, and top it off with a splash of product called “Nasal Wash” by Alkalol. It contains the essential oils that help wash covid from mucous membranes.

Again, 2x daily — more if exposed.

-CBD/CBG oil. Use a reputable manufacturer. A combination of CBD & CBG will encapsulate and kill Covid. No joke. Been known since 2020, only updated once to say the combo works better than CBD alone. But use the CBD if you can’t get a combo.

Important to keep the bottle clean and not share it. You want to avoid contamination of things you put up your nose. If my nose is congested, i use a sterile Qtip and swipe out my nose as high as I can go. Or, keeping a dedicated bottle for my neti pot, I’ll add a dropper full to the rinse. If your throat hurts, direct the dropper toward your throat and let it coat. Aside from literally killing covid, CBD/CBG is anti-inflammatory. So it also kills a stuffy nose or a sore throat.

That’s my basic protocol. I also take a GABA supplement at bedtime and L-arginine, both supposedly help discourage viral adhesion.

I absolutely agree

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