AITA for not wanting my potential future child to learn 3 languages when my other kids only know 1?

YTA, seriously what is wrong with some people. You've lived in another country for 15 yrs and never learned their language seriously wtf!!! Learning another language is such a gift and extremely beneficial in life. I've been around so many people who have the same attitude as you and it's so damn annoying. Other countries get it they teach their children damn near from birth and that's something I can not wait to do when I have kids.

Learning at a early age is easier for children then when we get older. I'm 31 and trying to learn Spanish, Korean, French (because I plan on traveling). It is so hard at my age and I wish I would have learned as a child.

If my family were to have an issue with the fact that my children can speak different languages and they can't then oh well that's their fault everyone has time to learn (some have 15 yrs) and if you don't then oh well but to deny someone that just because someone else might feel left out is terrible.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is a deal breaker for your girlfriend.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread