168 words AITA for faking a work emergency to get out of a wedding? 706 words AITA for yelling at my gf to stop eating everything? 175 words AITA for telling my girlfriend to stop playing dumb and refusing to answer her question? 270 words AITA: My first reddit post ever. Am I too much? 132 words AITA For Getting Mad My Heart Health Was Put To The Side? 334 words AITA for telling my brother he should not be claiming to have psychological conditions he has not been medically diagnosed with? 163 words AITA for parroting the things my wife says to me back at her? 163 words AITA to want access to my sisters' phones? 138 words AITA for waking out of my daughter’s birthday party because the cake had her deadname on it? 133 words AITA - Friend Bailed On Visit After I Travelled See Them 490 words AITA got p*shed downstairs after I p*shed someone to the ground 187 words AITA for not inviting all students to a barbecue? 145 words WIBTA if I brought my daughter a present to my sister’s baby shower? 146 words AITA for not inviting all students to a barbecue? 129 words AITA for not allowing alcohol at my wedding & not telling people why? 164 words AITA for calling out my best friend for not reaching out when I was suffering the tragic loss of a dog in my life? 154 words AITA for calling out my best friend for not reaching out when I was suffering the tragic loss of a dog in my life? 108 words AITA For yelling at my brother's spouse for going on vacation while brother was in the hospital 393 words AITA for telling my friend his issues aren't as important as his wife's? 235 words AITA for snapping back at the golden child and refusing to apologize?