AITA for telling my husband I can’t take his wake-up routine any longer?

NTA Sounds like my husband when we were first together, only he had only four alarms. I don't remember when I was finally like:


But he stopped. Oh. I remember. I would literally just shove him out of bed at the first alarm, & be like: "your alarm went off" every morning an hour before he REALLY wanted to get up. And if he didn't get up I would turn on the lights and be like: honey, you're alarm went off. Don't you need to get up?

So he started setting only one alarm. Fortunately I'm hilarious and he has a good sense of humour.

Now I don't even hear when his alarm goes off (once). It was sort of like husband training.

I'm sure this comment isn't helping. I mean tbh. I am most concerned about the fan issue. I would lose my ever loving mind if I had to listen to a fan all night. So I feel for your spouse.

Do you have two rooms? Can you have a pull out? Honestly I like other people's ideas about sleep studies etc. But the idea that couples MUST sleep in the same bedroom -why? Sure. Hang out together before you sleep, but after that, part ways and sleep well.

If two rooms isn't an option, I've got nothing. Good luck.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread