Alarak Build Guide & Gameplay with Tomster

If your team isn't dying why does it matter, your winning.

It matters because you're giving up pure damage that isnt A) Lost on death and B) doesn't require stacks. Psycho gives you a damage increase that remains all game. From a previous convo on the matter:

u/frcShoryuken did the maths:

*Q - 766 dmg at +100%, 919 at +140% *W - 422 dmg at +100% (with the extra 100% base included from Psychokinesis), 254 at +140% *E - 438 dmg at +100%, 525 at +140% WQE with Psycho = 1626 total dmg WQE with max Pure Malice = 1698

Each ability will scale accordingly regardless of what talent you pick so scalability doesn't matter. Lvl 20 with pure malice all damage scales the same as level 20 with psycho. Yes, it means ALL of your abilities get a buff but as the math shows based on max burst using the QWE combo you get roughly the same damage.

Pure malice is a high risk, potentially high reward strategy. To do slightly more damage with your E & Q you need to sacrifice being able to play aggressively and you only derive the benefit through a negative thing happening. It can change the dynamic of team fights sure but if the other team notices you took malice, you're likely going to be focused pretty early on.

This talent is pretty much the only instance in the game where a death is a good thing (Yes 1 for 2 or more trades, and murky re-positions are useful but that's not the point). You only benefit slightly from one of the worst outcomes during a game. Especially since the talent takes up a spot at level 13 when death times reach the 30 second mark and can actually make a difference.

If it fits your playing style and you enjoy using the talent, there is no denying it is useful. However I find it hard to say it is a 100% pick all the time when you can take another talent and do pretty much the same damage without the potential loss of stacks or requirement of team mate deaths to make full use of the talent.

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