People defending islam with lies or by ignorance ?

"...What is up with this? Either they are lying on purpose or they are just ignorant, i don't get it. Does anyone else run into this?"

I suspect a tiny few genuinely thinking their position is justified (able to utilize Islamic scripture), most not well versed in Islam (i.e. Cultural Muslims) and others deliberately being disingenuous.

Such Muslims who profess that Islam does not permit the persecution of apostates often seem to state this towards non-Muslim critics, with the latter deliberate disingenuous Muslim, hoping not just that they are ignorant of Islamic scripture and the common view amongst Muslims (both today and throughout history), but that they'll shut up. There by sweeping the issue of apostasy and other contentious issues under the rug. Saying whatever to portray Islam in good light and stop scrutiny and criticism of Islam - which they think they'll struggle to counter, cue mass doubts and disbelief amongst Muslims.

None of them seem to advocate to Muslims - as emphatically as they do to non-Muslim critics - in their mosques, houses, various scholars and the Muslim majority countries (that hold Islam to permit the persecution of apostates) of presumably the 'True Islam'. The 'True Islam' of tolerance to apostates and critics. Likely because it's a struggle to justify such a stance via Islamic scripture and numerous Muslims who would not only like to counter such a stance, but brand that person as blasphemer or apostate and harm that individual.

/r/exmuslim Thread