"All boys leave home some day." — Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow

This is one of the first lines of dialogue you encounter when you start Pokémon Red/Blue/Yellow. Your character’s mom says this to you right at the very start of the game as you’re leaving the house to embark on your adventure. As a 7-year-old kid, I probably spammed the A button to get on with the game, but more than 20 years later, I rediscovered this dialogue and, combined with the Pallet Town music, it hit such a sweet spot of melancholy nostalgia that I decided to write this sappy post. As a kid, this dialogue sent me off on the journey to enjoy the excitement of childhood, and two decades later, it’s precisely that carefree childhood that is the home I’ve left behind.

Anyway, sorry for the lame diary-entry of a nostalgia post. I just thought others could relate.

/r/nostalgia Thread Link - i.redd.it