We all know it's coming...

It's interesting how much of a side content that is build up of becoming more is actually already there.

Chadley and Roche as completely new.

Weiss in realform and Weiss in digital form which actually seemed to be merged with Hojo's digital consciousness. Which is a huge part of the DOC lore.

Nero who actually already began the revolution against Shinra. And the Sonon and Yuffie stuff. And the Wutai war which doesn't seem to be finished this time.

Zack of course.

Since this is already there, I'm pretty sure that Shelke, Genesis und Omega will come into play as well.

And all of it has to have some kind of payoff to make sense.

It kinda feels like Crisis Core, FF7 OG and DOC are happening at the same time.

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