always noob team

I mean see, I am not going to fully refute your point. I know full well that for a low elo player it's easier to win in their own elo with carry supports as stated above.

However that is not because it's the better choice or because it really is stronger. It just seems that way to you or it works for you that way and that is absolutely fine and normal that way. When I was 1400MMR (gold) in S2 I thought the exact same way. Or if I wanna be very blunt. People that have this issue just can't play their role / class properly or at an adequate level to achieve the results they want to achieve.

But I've played this game for 12 years I'm tired of arguing this point. Any high elo enchanter can log on your silver account and win 90%+ of the games. Boosters are literally doing that of you for example have a champ request.

Believe me or not, we bulldoze smurfed low elo for 12 years with any sort of start champ, role or whatever. It's insane that after 12 years this argument that 1 class is basically coin flip still exists.

Irks me generally that you started off with saying I'm plain wrong as if it's a fact that you can prove. Then "simple concept". Makes what you're saying sound like hard facts which they aren't. (narcissistic btw) Have an open discussion, maybe then I'd read more than 6 words of your comment. Just disrespectful af.

And ok just read the last paragraph. You're projecting GIT GUD

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