Please help me. I'm terrified about Neville's teachings.

Seriously ? Terrified over suppositions ? At least look to people who know what they talk about like yoga masters and saints, buddhist teaching etc. After death there is réincarnation until you attain self realization, union with the source of everything that you are à part of. Life is a slow constant return to the source. You start at the most far tiny unconscious things and zvolve to the most gigantic conscious being. You can see in your évolution that the évolution is constantly to the way of growing in consciousness and letting go false and limiting identification. Réduction yourself with beliefs and constrinting ego make you even feel bad physically and induce psychosomatic desease. Every Saint and spiritual master explain the more tou evolve to more your consciousness englobe everything. Don't be afraid, if there is an hell it is here in our false beliefs and identifications. Look how a little idea is making you feel.... learn tobmeditate and lower your brain waves and discover peace and joy when your thiught are calm, then you will understand...There is no answer by thoughts that are just concepts.

/r/NevilleGoddard Thread