I am an undecided voter, who is gay, and last night I hoped Hillary would return the millions given to her by Saudi Arabia, instead she smirked and grinned when Trump said they throw gays off of rooftops. I find that absolutely appalling, and thus I will be voting for Trump on Nov 8.

Donald was SO on his game, she was thrown off for most of the night. It appeared their game plan was to assume he'd be loud and less "Presidential" as they say. But, three debates in and he had upped his game SO much, they didn't expect it - and her memorized repertoire of answers kept on leaving her having to improvise. Hillary can't improvise - everything is just rehearsed sound bites.

That's what happened here, which is actually quite surprising. He nailed her to the wall with a zinger that had meat (meaning), and we see her literally laughing nervously as she's lost.

Alas, the MSM is taking Donald's ONE single statement and running with it (accepting the outcome). They're ignoring the rest.

Folks. We're alive to witness the first coup d'etat in US history, as the media hides the truth, lies about the truth, makes up their version of the truth - all in an effort to support the big business, open border, pro globalization candidate.

Mind you it'll be a blodless coup d'etat, but a coup d'etat none the less.

/r/The_Donald Thread Parent Link - youtube.com