I am a college student, rugby player, who likes to run and lift, and wants to get faster.

There's about 5 factors in something like athletic performance: training, form, genetics, nutrition, and rest.

Want to become faster in a sprint? Do sprint exercises training specifically. Study sprinting forms and mechanics. Genetically you may have a bias towards having more or less of certain muscle fiber types but training can help build a higher ratio of 'fast twitch' fibers if you do explosive movement training. Make sure you adjust your nutritional intake to support any attempt to build muscle or athletic performance like increasing protein (ideally animal, or if you're vegetarian/vegan hemp has some amino acids that plant proteins are missing that animal proteins have which are key in muscle hypertrophy). And lastly, make sure you rest (and stretch). The exercise itself it's actually damaging and stressful, but it signals your body to repair and build up, so make sure your integrate rest or off days to especially protect from things like compensations from fatiguing muscles and hamstring injuries.

Source: am a physical therapist

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