Amazon's Study Hall - Daily Questions Megathread (12/02)

I don't believe the developers have stated anything about DR's Fate Simulation. I am also not aware of how the tier lists rates the different DRs.

Personally, Azuma is my most reliable tank (Dev 30, FS 3) but I do not have a fair comparison since my Aegir is only Dev 21. However, in proper matches, Azuma have never taken MVP and frankly, in W14, she gets the job done but her role is less important than Shimakaze. I believe other vanguards can replace her comfortably; San Francisco, Anchorage and Roon, when I auto W14.

In comparison, my FdG (Dev 30 FS 0) is very critical to my W14 Mob Fleet auto, and outshines my other BBs in mob clearance. New Jersey, Nagato, Champagne (Dev 30 FS 5), Richelieu and Vittorio Veneto cannot compare to her auto-battle reliability. When put in the same fleet, FdG and NJ competes for MVP..

/r/AzureLane Thread Parent