An Asian woman has never won the oscar for best actress. In the entire history of the academy awards, only one has ever even been nominated, and it was over 80 years ago, and that woman lied about her ancestry. Why is there such a massive absence of Asians in Hollywood, and will this ever be fixed?

Asian Americans are shamed for being Asian in the midwest.

Peer pressure is tightly regulated in the Midwest, since there aren't as many Asians compared to East Coast, West Coast, Hawaii. Asians in the Midwest suffer from micro-aggressions.

Asian men have to punch low to get a girl. Girls that are bottom of the barrel such as no personality, uninteresting, loserish, fat, unfortunate looking.

Most Asian men in the midwest either deep to dumpster dive or jerk off at home. And play video games as anesthesia. After all, a lot of white girls refuse to date Asian guys. And even if they want to date Asian, they have other white girls keeping them in line. Girls will question the Asian girl as to why go for an asian guy when there are so many white guys. Attractive white girls with attractive asian guys are seen as something is wrong with her because if she's so attractive, why isn't she with an attractive white guy. Girls are pressured into acting like the majority, and the majority of the Midwest is white. Asian Americans girls in the midwest try to be whitewashed, the percentage of outdating is higher in the midwest compared to major cities despite there is more interracial couple due to the size of the asian demographic in nyc, la, and sf.

Even if you are fine with it, if you go to let's say NYC, you would face less microaggression. Go to an Asian country, they don't shame you for being asian.

After all, whites want asians to assimilate so badly. They need Hollywood to convince Asians being asians sucks. Never fall for that. A lot of Asian girls fall for that and would date any white guy just for social status and need for acceptance.

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