An attempted rebuttal of some common TRP beliefs.

But they're not, not always. Mostly depends if your partner's drop in value is perceived as "their fault." If you struggle financially because your spouse got fired, that's one thing. But if we quit in a huff because of some stupid supposed indignity, that's gonna cost you some points.

So why stereotypes women with AWALT? My guess is AMALT is closer to conventional wisdom. Guy has a midlife crisis and cheats on his secretary, that sort of thing. AWALT, in the most charitable description I can give it, is saying, "hey, you know how men do this? Women do it too! Turns out, they're also human and also care if you become significantly less attractive, or professionally less successful, in the course of your relationship!

But there's all these Hollywood movies that show women aren't superficial, and then... Yeah whatever. Those movies are marketed like fuckers like me who have a vested interest in promoting this idea. I need you to believe "a diamond is forever" because that sells. "A diamond is forever except if you become a fat loser, then she'll probably divorce you anyway" doesn't quite have the same ring to it. Men like me have an interest in encouraging other men to buy consumer products and justifying that's it's worth some sort of emotional capital. There is no "feminine imperative," just some people who figured out women are responsible for a lot of consumption spending in the economy, so let's go cast some women in the Ghostbusters remake and throw them a bone so they're more likely to be willing to see it with their husbands.

This is getting long-winded, but my point is, you can absolutely get some value in Blue Pill criticism of Red Pill. For example, "Dread Game is emotional manipulation." Is it? Well, what motivates someone to consider Dread Game? They feel taken for granted. This isn't a new concept. It's why guys wait two days before texting a girl. They don't want to seem too eager. The girl may even say, "text me tomorrow," and the guy should still wait until the day after. Is this "emotional abuse"? Presenting you have better options, even if you don't? This is considered benign, but growing distant because your wife doesn't have sex more than once a fiscal quarter is" emotional abuse." Well, not if it's done with any deconstruction, then it's just "growing apart." But being conscious of that, then it becomes malicious, somehow. It's OK for you to withdraw from your spouse if response to her rejections, just as long as it's not premeditated, I guess?

if your feeling rejected you should talk to your partner, not play mind games. Yeah, sure, but see above. We don't always communicate our self-interest well in relationships. Requires a lot of self-introspection to say, "were not having sex because you've become someone I don't want to have sex with. Which is unfortunate because you do a lot of things I appreciate, but do not directly contribute to my physical desire to sleep with you. So do less of that and more of these things, and I think that'll help." So what can you do in lieu of that? Marriage counseling? Eh, maybe.

For any Blue Pill people who have read this far before you reflexively down voted - keep doing you. Good food for thought sometimes. The only thing I'd say is, all these insults about Red Pill guys being loser virgins, or whatever - that's a pretty actively damaging thing for a young guy. The easiest way to cut down some kid in junior high or high school is to call him a Virgin, right? "Jesus, that guy is so good at X he must be obsessed and never gets laid."

So these young men on Reddit, they felt like loser virgins and Red Pill offered them some actionable advice. You're basically insulting the demographic most "at risk" to buy into that shit. I see a few of you think Red Pill is especially toxic and feel it's "spreading."

But think about it. If you're a young guy, and you keep hearing virgin as an insult, and you're a virgin... If anything is going to fuck up your attitude towards women, it's that. You will "objectify women" because you in turn feel objectified for not being able to date/sleep with them. You are just reinforcing the same "toxic masculinity" message that you hate Red Pill for.

Yeah, I know, the fact that men are still judged by whether they can "get" women in our society, thus "toxic masculinity" that's remnant of rich kings having harems of women, or whatever, is not your fault. That's the fault of assholes like me, who market shit like Axe body spray. Might as well call it a Magic Virgin Eraser Spray for the way it's advertised. Because implicit is all those "buy this and be more attractive to women!" ads is this:

Well what happens if I don't buy it?

Then women won't be attracted to you.

And what are the consequences of that?

You will suffer diminished status in our society, even among those that may be sympathetic towards you.

Well shit I should probably buy it, right?

Yep. You should.

Talk about Dread Game, right?

/r/TheBluePill Thread Parent