[Analysis] Should I quit Global? Answers needed, thanks!!

So far I'm loving Japan and hating myself to waste a single $ at my global account, there is an ABYSMAL difference between those accounts.

•Global account: 500 € - 5 natural SSR* (pretty shitty ones except last 2)

•Japan account: 0 - 11 natural SSR* (box -> http://imgur.com/a/BZfTq)

*: not counting dokkan-able or farmeables.

Still, my global account kinda sucks even after so much money invested...

So, tried to rank decently at both tournaments even if busy (work + sleep, need sleep some to work...) and thinking I should quit my global account for real. Cant keep up both and still enjoy the game, this WT are really sick and killing the fun out of the game, atleast for me. Im the kind of person who enjoys taking my time, watching the fights and admiring my box, looking for best team output, etc. I DO NOT enjoy pure rush grind...

Only thing avoiding me to quit Global was the money invested but, I do know myself, and like many others in this wonderful community...we DO HAVE a gambling issue and will prolly keep wasting more money if I keep playing here since feel kinda unsatisfied with that account. I do not wanna reach 1k mark T_T.

After saying all that, please take a look at my Japan box (link above) and please kindly reply here who should I aim for. I do lack an ALL + 2 Ki leader, tried a multi and few singles at last SSJ2 Gohan gacha but no luck. Would that PHY Bardock fit well with my current box? I do still have more stones from story. Only done 6 fully maps, rest just normal until chapter 12 (havent finished story yet, so many events lol). Thanks for taking your time reading all this, I do appreciate it ;)

/r/DBZDokkanBattle Thread Link - imgur.com