The look of disappointment!

Yep. My aunt had this incredibly sweet-natured Lab/Great Dane mix and one day he bit my cousin's kid- seemingly out of nowhere. We later found out that Dylan (the dog) had an ear infection and the kid had sneaked up behind him and pulled one of them. My aunt had been allowing the kid to tease Dylan and play with him unsupervised because "he's so gentle, he wouldn't hurt a fly!". Thankfully the bite wasn't very deep, but it could have easily been so much worse. My cousin was furious. Not only because his kid could have literally been killed, but because the dog he spend most of his teens with had to be put down. He didn't speak to my aunt for years after that.

The kitty in the video shows a lot of restraint. I hope the person filming realises how lucky they are for that- it would be entirely their fault if the baby was harmed.

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