Jon Stewart eviscerating this pro-gun idiot

Are you referring to Vietnam? Aka the war that recieved heavy scrutiny from the public and where US soldiers fought in the fucking jungle, a battlefield they never had experience with, against an enemy who had homefield advantage and used guerrila tactics, traps, and more ludicrous stuff because remember, the soldiers had never seen anything like this before.

Yeah, no shit the US got their ass kicked. This isnt relevant to the conversation. Lets take something that is more relevant. The Jan 6 insurrection. Some had guns, pipe bombs, a freaking gallows, and the national guard came in and set things straight no problem.

Take it from me a Serbian and what America did to our country. If lets say, Texas wanted to secede (which is illegal) and the gun touting mofos fucked around, they would get absolutely decimated. The US would have no problem sending in bomb runs, tanks, everything, no question. They wouldnt hold back at all.

I have nothing against gun owners who know their stuff, and are safe and responsible, I like guns too! But lets not kid ourselves here. Gravy seals arent gonna stop a fully fledged milirary assault with dads AR 15.

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