another proof both biology and racepill is cope and that sexual preferences of both women and men are heavily dependant on what society tells them:

how is it just progressivism when

a- black men have advantage compared to all races of men, asian men, brown men, hispanic men, heck i think they might have even surpassed white men nowadays when you think about it(usa or the general west, eastern culture likes light skin too much) not only that but black women hasn't been receiving the same positive portrayals or acceptance despite being the same race. (it is one thing to dislike an obese black female, however even the ones that are thin with non-agressive behaviour are now seen as lesser than their men or discriminated)

b- when we see interracial on screen, it's always black men with white women, never black women with white men and never asian or brown men with white women, the only thing even comparable to being in the same league of oversaturated is asian women with white men portrayals, but honestly wmaf is seen as culturally lamer than bmxf among normies.

c- porn, even women watch porn nowadays and black men are fetishized in porn compared to all other races of men.

d- hiphop, athletes etc. have media pushing to be far more culturally relevant than anything else.

e- you get called a racist for saying i don't date black men or that they are ugly socially, but you can do the same for literally any other race of men.

i agree some degree of progressivism does make every race more desirable, however i think what has been going on is more in the line of mediapill/statuspill/ and even perhaps artificial media and cultura manipulation whether you think that's good or bad.

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