Why are women turned off by even the most trivial of male insecurities?

This isn’t it. After generations of being regarded as ornaments rather than humans, some women fight back by lowering themselves to men’s level. Men have always felt the right to criticize butt, waist, and breast size. Have made it very clear they prefer certain colors of hair over others. Men never shut up about hair and makeup. Men unilaterally decided they were the authority on women’s fashion.


The male gaze is exhausting and ever-present. Some women have decided to fight back and criticize superficial attributes in kind.


Ultimately most people would agree that being a dick to others is petty and unnecessary, but it’s nothing more than retaliation.

Bottom line is that people should avoid making negative comments about those they aren’t attracted to. If someone has a physical preference they should pursue people with characteristics they like and shut up about the opposite.

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