Answered: If the goal of Bitcoin is to replace fiat money, but Bitcoin is expected to increase in value in the long term, wouldn't it be prohibitive to use Bitcoin for paying for things?

This is why we need multi-currency economies. A currency needs to do two things really well: 1) store value 2) serve as a medium of exchange. This is ironic, of course, because in order for a currency to be a good store of value it must be deflationary but in order for a currency to be a good medium of exchange, it must be inflationary (because we damage it over time and it incentivizes us to spend and stimulate the economy). The US Dollar is often criticized for being a bad store of value, but it is undoubtedly a great medium of exchange. Conversely, Bitcoin is a great store of value, but for the reasons you've pointed out above, does not incentivize spending or serve as a good medium of exchange. In order to maximize economic wellbeing, we need different currencies with different uses and properties. This is something that the Ethereum ecosystem allows us to aspire toward.

/r/CryptoCurrency Thread