Any advice for someone’s first time?

  • Research thoroughly about how you can help get women off - don't rely solely on porn! Look up positions and how and where to place your limbs during the act, scout out her entire body and where her erogenous zones are at a deliberate pace, prioritize foreplay and ensure she's sufficiently aroused before any manner of penetrative sex, look up best practice regarding oral, since chances are that's how you'll make her cum as opposed to penetrative sex, REMEMBER THE CLITORIS. Research is a fine substitute (and facilitator) for sexual experience, and allows even virgins to become passionate, dedicated lovers.

  • Communicate with your partner so you can always make sure she's enjoying the intimacy, not in pain, and you can both ask about what you like under the covers. This isn't merely possible through words - her breathing, moans, body language and other actions will also provide you important information to consider during sex.

  • Bring lube. This'll be helpful for both of you, trust me on that one.

Also, since you're in university/college - I'd highly advise going against what the common advice here will be and telling your partner you're a virgin. Maybe in dedicated relationships your inexperience will be accommodated and your partners sexual expectations will be adjusted a bit, but for casual encounters with 18-21 year old uni/college students? Not a chance. Winging it and not bringing any attention to your sexual history is probably the best approach, and minimizes the risk of a seemingly amazing girl walking out and humiliating you at the worst possible time, something which can create long-lasting sexual hangups depending on your personality. If they bring it up, just say you don't want to talk about it. If they ask if you're a virgin, say no.

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