This shouldn't be fucking normal.

Children are a disposable commodity. When we as a culture recognize someone as "My baby momma", we have a problem. When grandparents are rising more kids than parents, we have a problem.

I'm a counselor for adolescents court mandated for drug abuse counseling and I see it every day. Kids who are so broken emotionally that the only thing they can do to cope is get high. Kids who's parents just flat don't want them. Kids who a pushed off onto the state because they get into trouble.

The politicians are actively trying to take guns away, a constitutional right, but won't do a damn thing to impede a person's reproductive rights. That is why people care about the AR15s.

I'm also a father of three and a husband to their mother, my baby momma is my wife! WE parent together we show our children love and support. And we as a family shoot scary guns together. Our guns don't kill people. Please do be so quick to take away my constitutionally protected freedoms for the sake of a false sense of safety.

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