Any recommendations for ffs? 1 year on e

U have excellent forward maxillary growth, I can tell by ur chin and cheek prominence. What comes with that tho is sometimes a rather wide face, but the bright side is ur midface is quite short and the length of ur face isn’t an issue.

I’d say forehead, hairline corners (but don’t lower hairline much or at all bc it can exacerbate the width of ur face), and probably rhinoplasty to thin and handle the tip. U have excellent bone structure ur gonna age quite well I’m so jealous lol. Also if u feel ur face is too wide, u can always try masseter Botox in the jaw muscles as that will thin the lower third of ur face. Don’t touch ur chin’s prominence, it balances ur nose and is actually quite feminine and will lead to a double chin earlier in life, same thing with jaw.

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