Has anyone been able to regularly use the new bing chat?

Yes, I subscribed to the waitlist almost immediately. Two days ago, when I received the mail from Bing, I started using it. And I can assure you it's as amazing and exciting as people online are describing it: it's a revolution for searching content on the web and at the same time is so much more.

For example, I solved a problem that I had with my insurance, asking Bing if a said policy was better or worse than the other and why, he summed up all the pros and cons very precisely and I solved a problem that would've probably taken me hours of research.

Another thing, I myself speak three languages (English, Italian and Japanese), and I was surprised by the fact that I didn't even need to change language in the setting: the AI replied to me in the same language I used for my "question" every time, and all that drawing information that were accessible only to blogs or sites available exclusively in the language used in order to give me an exhaustive answer.

I think that with time we will discover an enormous number of uses for it. Now I think I understand why Bill Gates said that ChatGPT is as significant as the invention of the internet.

/r/edge Thread