Has anyone been struggling with saving their Boomer parents from themselves?

Hate to put it this way but my mother is "sufficiently scared" now, thankfully, and hopefully just in time. She cancelled all her plans for the next 3 weeks at least, and right now seems to be a bit paralyzed with shock at her house, which honestly is fine by me at the moment. I'm still checking up on her every day via phone to make sure she's okay and that she has some interaction, as usually she's a very busy "gotta go do things" lady.

Normalcy bias really seems to have the strongest hold on Boomers. I feel like it is because most of them never dreamed that the Fed would fail so hard at something this important. They lived their best years during the highest stretch of growth and prosperity this country ever saw, and that whole era has been on the wane ever since "post 9/11 world" became the new normal.

/r/CoronaVirusPA Thread