College student needing participants for a quick 5 minute survey on covid-19. 100% anonymous - please consider helping.

I'm sorry that I have made you skeptical. I am a college student and I am spending all weekend working on my project. I do not want to tell participants precisely what I am studying while the survey is still open, because it would sway the responses and I want people to answer honestly. At this point in time I am just doing a survey on the public's general opinion of the covid-19 pandemic.

Secondly, when I started asking for participants, I had no intention on publishing any results or insights online. I am using these results for a scholarly project and I assumed people would like to share their opinion with someone who will value it and use it academically. After I thought about it, I still do not want to make the results public, because this is a very contentious and opinionated issue, I do not want to deter certain demographics from sharing their open and honest opinions, in fear that they will be made public. I have been criticized by so many commenters for deciding this, and I've been made to be the bad guy when I'm using this data for a righteous cause, and it definitely hurts.

/r/CoronaVirusPA Thread Parent