Anyone else hoping for no essential characters in the next Fallout?

Ehhh I mean I understand the role playing thing, but many other people may not. Plus I just think that giving the option to murder children in anything is kinda awful to do or think about. Not that it is super important, but parents would still buy these games for children and then children could kill other children? Make make isolated cases of children attacking other children more prevalent. Like someone else mentioned, if the child killer effect was brought back from fallout 2, then maybe it would be acceptable from a evil character perspective.

However, roleplaying aside, I roleplay evil characters all the time and I can't imagine that any of them would harm children for fun. And I know that I couldn't roleplay as a amoral child killer because deep imbedded in my values is killing children is wrong. I couldn't go through with it, and I hope that as much as we like to play the bad guy, that killing children would be very hard for us to do.

Curious but are there any modern games that have let you kill children natively?

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