Anyone have in success with dating while being an targeted individual?

Handlers are evil- they’ll convince the victim to let down their guard and be vulnerable, knowing the victim literally just escaped horrifically abusive parents and had a hellhole of a childhood.

Then they shmooze and say how they want to get married and have a happy family, and to make it up to the victim for not having a family, and they’ll say how together the two of you will have kids, and a dog and house with a white picket fence - you name it and they’ll try to trap you into marriage or pregnancy.

If, despite being naive and emotionally damaged, you’re like, “nah bro I’m never getting married that shit is strictly for suckers. No kids, neither.” They are taken aback and surprised, thinking you’d jump at the opportunity to have a loving marriage/family (psych they just want to abuse and use the target for blood money).

/r/Gangstalking Thread Parent