So apparently 1 in 10 college men are rapists...

I browsed through that study looking for the EXACT questions that were asked, but was unable to find them. Maybe I missed them? OR maybe they're just not reported. What I did find was a lot of language meant to preempt criticism by saying things like:

Although the SES measures a range of sexually aggressive acts, only the items assessing completed behaviors that were consistent with the FBI definition of rape were used for our analyses.14 For example, vaginal rape disclosure was elicited as follows: “I put my penis or I put my fingers or objects into a woman’s vagina without her consent by: taking advantage when she was too drunk or out of it to stop what was happening, threatening to physically harm her or someone close to her, and/or using force, for example holding her down with my body weight, pinning her arms, or having a weapon.” Each of the 3 tactics was assessed using a separate item.

So, they say that they only considered those using the FBI definition, but still don't feel the need to report the actual questions beyond the most egregious one that would be everyone's definition of rape. By explaining their methods this way, using this as the only example, they're trying to legitimize their study by linking all of their 1/10 males to:

taking advantage when she was too drunk or out of it to stop what was happening, threatening to physically harm her or someone close to her, and/or using force, for example holding her down with my body weight, pinning her arms, or having a weapon.”

I found This

Which gives a link to the 'long form survey'.

The first question:

Someone stared at me in a sexual way or looked at the sexual parts of my body after I had asked them to stop.


Someone had oral sex with me or made me have oral sex with them without my consent by:

I'm sure this will on list instances of rape.

Telling lies, threatening to end the relationship, threatening to spread rumors about me, making promises I knew were untrue, or continually verbally pressuring me after I said I didn’t want to.

Ok. So if someone lies to a girl, say they say that they're in a band, and they're not, but the girl performs oral sex on him, then she did not consent, and, because she did not consent, she was raped, right?

Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim

That's the FBI definition. The study says that the FBI definition was used. The survey says that a woman doesn't give her consent if she was lied to. If you lie to women and they perform oral sex on you, then you're raping them.

Showing displeasure, criticizing my sexuality or attractiveness, getting angry but not using physical force, after I said I didn’t want to.

This is under the consent area. So, if someone is annoyed that you will not have sex with them, the partner changes their mind, then the partner is being raped.

Now, the survey I found doesn't appear to be right as the study is saying these results are from the men who took the survey, and who knows, maybe it's completely fair, but, at least the sister survey of the one used, uses a definition of consent meant to get the results they are seeking.

The title of this article could easily be,

"1/10 college men have lied to women to have sex."

/r/MensRights Thread