Apparently this is a thing that happens at an occult-adjacent expo. Thoughts? Experiences with this expo?

I am also on the "donating my body to science to hopefully end up on a witch's altar or eclectic's bookshelf" train. From talking to med students and watching documentaries, when the hospital/school is done with the donated remains, they literally either just throw them away, or cremate them and then throw them away. The remains don't get sent back to the families most of the time unless the family keeps close contact with the facility, and even then remains can be preserved and used for generations and eventually the family will forget or stop caring. I would much rather have my bones or wet specimens end up with someone who will proudly show them off and take care of them then end up in the trash and forgotten. And most of the human bones/specimens that get sold at these expos are sold for A LOT of money, which means I would still be worth something after I'm gone. But hey, to each their own.

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