Dog vs Bf

My husband’s brother had a girlfriend when I first met his family. She seemed cool, even worked with penguins at the zoo. I moved away temporarily soon after and when I returned, they had broken up. I heard for many years that she was “crazy.” Like they called her Crazy HerName regularly. I didn’t ask why because I met her once and we didn’t even talk. Wasn’t any of my business. But it finally came up some years ago that she was so crazy because she refused to give up her cats to move in with the brother. ?!?!?!!?! That is…it. Like they apparently got into a huge fight where he insisted she abandon her pets to be with him and she got rightfully mad and said hell no.

I do not understand people that come into our lives where our pets/family members already exist and expect to see them pushed out. If you cannot figure out how to be a kind to another living being that might be different from you, then why would I ever want you in my life?

Your pup sounds so special! Never let her go! And make it clear to this boyfriend (or anyone really) that her place is forever at your side.

/r/WitchesVsPatriarchy Thread