Is it appropriate to send an unsolicited dick pic to a friend who lives far away? Because it doesn't really matter.. we're friends right now but if she doesn't want to be more than friends than I don't really care

You're right. Want to hear the reason I'm asking this? I got once told by a girl who I wasn't attracted to and couldn't get hard for.. she posted on facebook that "ever fuck a ***** with a little dick.... etc" and that really hurt. This was two years ago but it still hurts me today. I am actually completely comfortable with my size now, but made me question and obsess for a long time. I'm a grower too so my insecurity is wondering if she thinks I have a small dick based on my flaccid penis? I had a hardon when cuddling the night she wasn't in the mood but it was dark and was behind her.. this sounds ridiculous but that's the truth lol. Do you think she cares about this? If not then I will not send it for sure... this is my insecurities getting to me

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