[Serious Suggestion] Make r/Arrow Great Again

it's just that Trump is a joke of a human being

There's your entire problem. You state your opinion as if it's the unalienable truth and anybody who goes against that is wrong and shouldn't be associated with in the slightest.

he is a walking talking joke and should not be taken seriously as a person

This sub is a parody of a sub of his supporters, so who is taking him seriously again?

When subscribers to this sub log on to Reddit, go to r/arrow, and see this theme, of course they're going to go, "Oh, so we're officially just a self-aware joke now?"

You're kidding, right? This has been the case since we changed to the Daredevil theme.

people would react the same because this is not how you properly present yourself as a legitimate place of discussion

Discussion of WHAT? What's left to discuss?

like just a link for you to click, laugh at, then click away

Well, fuck those people. They are close-minded. Why do we want them here again?

forever making us "those guys who made that funny Arrow-Trump website."

Spoiler alert: nobody cares that much. Why do people act like their legacy and the honor of their family name is at stake? Why are you all so concerned with impressing outsiders?

/r/arrow Thread Parent