Are you fucking kidding me

You should actually learn how computer games work

A game that is entirely physics based, where the focus is on massive explosions, having as many breakable 3d objects as possible uses up an insane amount of power, power that the PS4 & Xbox barely have.

The fact this game has been developed for PS4/Xbox/PC makes it even harder to perfect. If it was made for just one of those platforms, I can guarantee there would be little to no problems. The consoles just aren't upto scratch when it comes to rendering a game this massive that is multi-platform, and it has a knock on effect for the PC version aswell. If this game was rendering 3d railways as well as everything else that's going on, the performance would be even worse. That's why we see shadows that are ultra low quality, thats why we see little to no anti ailiasing, aswell as other things, they have to compromise on some things to get the game actually playable.

It's not about being anti-consumer, it's about being realistic in what to expect with a game like this.

As you said "real gamers are sick of this going on", I'll say, "real gamers" actually know what to expect with a game like this, we know how much work goes into making a game like this and how much power it would use.

When I saw the minimum/recommended pc specs, I thought the consoles would be fucked when it comes to running this game, but they've actually surprised me with what they've done.

Most of the things you are all complaining about in this subreddit are bugs. They should've been ironed out by now and the game definitely should have been delayed by a couple of months, but they're still bugs, every single game has them, they always have done, and they always will do. But the fact that gameplay hasn't been hindered what so ever means a lot. But unfortunately you casuals can't see past "omg 2d railways"

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