Are memes about the beginning of humanity allowed?

Ok? What ever? Europe should still remain majority european. The people that live there are a result of thousands of years of genetic pass down. Oh yeah, europeans are so evil when they dont want their entire continent to be ravaged by other cultures, but when europeans use a hair style that they invented, it's culutral appropriation.

Also it is that hard to not fucking bring politics into literally everything? Like, it's so fucking annoying already to deal with this argument that "oh yeah everyone migrated so you should let millions of economic migrants into your country for no other reason but that you deserve all the pain" Like fucking hell, can you shut up for a second? Every one of you are so fucking annoying. You can't just talk about history, you will always squeeze that fucking bullshit at the end. shocker any peoples that live in modern civilizations have been there for hundreds of years. How the hell else do you think they made it that far? And now when they have done all the work, they are expected just to hand it over?

I'm from finland so none of this really concerns me, but holy fuck, using your brain is allowed.

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