To the surprise of no one, Bethany wants her followers to help her write the Singles' Pre-Dating Guide she's, like, really almost totally ready to release (for $10).

Yes, exactly. It seems like a good idea to reflect on what you'd want out of a relationship when you're single. It can help someone be a better partner in the future and know what they like/ don't like during dating.


These questions are just... questions. I get the sense that Bethany thinks that when you answer those questions, you will automatically be ready for a romantic relationship. It was the same with a list she made for her then fiancé dæv. It's like she thinks very complicated topics can be reduced to a questionnaire and that will show things. It's so qualitative, capitalist and just very stupid. Obviously, any person with any life experience knows that you only know you're ready to be in a romantic relationship / marriage by trying. Life is an unforeseen process of trial and error, not a damn questionnaire.

I wonder: surely Bethy knows this from being married? Does she just lie to herself and make these questions to make profit? In any case she is definitely obsessed with purity culture and loves facilitating it.

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