AITA for taking the closest parking space even though a pregnant co worker asked for it?


This is a classic example of what’s wrong with this sub. People always seem to answer with who’s technically in the right, but rarely ever answer who’s the “asshole.” Assholes, to me, are people who only think about themselves, are generally un-sympathetic and don’t act in a mature and gracious way. Assholes can absolutely be technically right- in fact they tend to have an obsession with being technically right and using that as their defense. It doesn’t mean they’re not assholes though.

In this case, yes- you’re absolutely right that you don’t have to give her that spot. But a totally healthy able-bodied person unwilling to temporarily give up their parking space to a heavily pregnant woman? Asshole.

Though if it makes you feel any better- there’s plenty like you. Society tells women to aspire to be mothers above all else, to have babies, shames us when we don’t do so, yet remains extremely unkind towards pregnant women, mothers and children- constantly refusing to go the extra mile to help while the woman goes through pregnancy, childbirth, postpartum, breastfeeding and so much more to continue the human race…something to which your contribution at most will be to cum inside someone.

So yeah…maybe just give her the space. Or don’t as that is 100% your right, but be ok with the fact that that makes you an asshole in this situation.

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread