Are there mods for more Legion quests?

Bleh. If I could mod, I'd probably add something like this:

"Blinding the Bear"

1) Soon after completing "We Are Legion", a Disguised Frumentarius gives the Courier 5 Throwing Spears and a note from Vulpes Inculta, starting the quest:
The mighty Caesar has been informed of your actions at Forlorn Hope and has new instructions for you. You would do well to heed his orders, for the favor of Caesar is not the least of rewards.
While his Legions are loyal and obey mighty Caesar without question, they are, shall we say, unhappy when mercenaries and free agents are given tasks, and therefore the glory, the Legionaires believe belong to them. Therefore, this matter shall be handled quiety, so as to not disturb their well-earned rest.
The NCR has watchposts scattered around the Mojave to keep an eye on the movements of our Legions and of our allies'. This is obviously an inconvenience and Caesar wishes for the Bear to be blinded.
Go to each of these watchposts, eliminate any communications officers and high-ranking Rangers you find, then destroy their radios and bring proof to this dropbox near Cottonwood Cove. -- Vulpes Incluta

2) Mark Ranger Stations Alpha, Bravo, Charlie (if not destroyed in "Andy and Charlie", Delta, Echo and Foxtrot on map.

3) Give quest objectives "Blind Ranger Station X" for each one.

4) Create quest object "Radio Component" (pilot light picture to represent a vacuum tube, weightless, valueless) when the radios are interacted with.

5) "Blind Ranger Station X" completed when both the Communications Officer and named Ranger are dead, then the Ham Radio interacted with, at a station.

6) Once all 6 (or 5, if Charlie's gone), create "Legion Mission Dropbox" with the "Caesar's Favor/Hire" boxes outside Cottonwood Cove. Not a standard container, just removes the Radio Components from inventory and completes the quest.
"You place the components from the smashed radios into thed ropbox and retrieve your reward."

7) Reward: 300 XP, 300 caps, Legion fame (1 3, same as most of the quests)

Probably trivial for someone with modding experience to make. Beyond my skills, however. :P Makes total sense from a lore perspective, too, and the reward wouldn't be too out of line.

As for any existing mods, dunno. Never actually looked into them. :P

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