How do I get needs in a normal difficulty game?

Hm, I don't think there's a mod or anything, that would completely replace original game's hardcore mod, as most of tgem just alter it as it is.

Also, what do you mean by dying because of hardcore? Does your needs progress too fast, causing instant death? If so, this might be caused by mod conflict of sorts. Try disabling mods you have installed (IF you have any), and check the results. Also, remember to use LOOT to sort your mods, and Wrye Bash by utumno to create patches for better compatability. This is reeeally important.

Also also, if that won't do the thing, I think you can try installing More Complex Needs mod by Imp of the Perverse, although I always thought, that it is just waaay too much to be actually enjoyable. In your case, it may or may not fix the issie with original hardcore. Although I am not sure, so save it as the last measure.

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