[Article] Former class president of my university starting blogging about why he started travelling, instead of Pursuing a law degree, thought you may find it inspiring

I'd say it is the end goal for some people, how many people do you know who work their entire lives to one day do nice trips around the world only to die before ever having the chance. He worked hard for his opportunities, they weren't handed to him. He's a good human being, truly. A lot of people I have met in his position typically don't have the time to stop and talk to someone who they can't gain something from. I thought the same thing when I first met him, and I'm glad I got passed that feeling of "wow this guy has everything given to him". Genuinely cares to know about how your life is going, remembers your name, doesn't look over your shoulder while he's talking to you. This will likely get buried but I'm glad I had the opportunity to get to know him a bit and I have been inspired by his drive and priority on adventure. Furthermore, I am someone who feels they've been dealt a tougher hand, never had the money to travel, never really have done much, and I was winding down into a dark place. Until last summer, I decided to say fuck everything and do something for myself, so I went to 3 festivals, racked up a bunch of debt that I'm still paying off, but I can honestly say it saved my life. Sparked my passion for life again.

/r/GetMotivated Thread Parent Link - electriccampfire.net