Ask a Pilot about 9/11.

First of all, his mobile phone camera is fired.

Second, here's the best transcript I can say:

Welcome to 9/11 experiments that you can do. You can survey pilots to find out what they think about the 9/11 Commission Report. An organization of pilots called also questions the official theory. While waiting for the next flight, you sometimes have the opportunity to ask pilots for their opinion. Let's ask one. (CM cameraman, P pilot)

CM: I was looking on the web and there's a site called P: Yeah CM: (incomprehensible) The planes went over 500 per hour P: Yeah CM: That the uh, they say the hijacker pilots were not experienced enough to (incomprehensible--assume hit the towers) P: Oh Yeah, it's kind of hard to take. I mean, we tried to do it in a sim (flight simulator). Can't do it. Can't do it. CM: I was trying on a microsoft flight simulator to go at 500 miles per hour and kept missing the world trade center. P: Exactly. So do most pilots who are--you know--trained, and we sill can't do it. CM: Jesse Ventura had a show about the Black boxes. They couldn't find 3 of black boxes and the 4th was unusable. P: Yeah. CM: I dunno this raises a lot of questions. P: Oh yeah. His conspiracy show? It's pretty good. I mean, why don't they only answer the questions? Well we have to. That's when we see that the (incomprehensible) you know, why? When you look at (incomprehensible), the hole is coming out not in. If you actually see the plane but most people...

This is as far as I can get. I brought it into vlc / audacity to clean it up but it's so bad the OP has to clean it

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