AskThe_Donald: As an African-American, why should I vote for Trump?

Well, Trump can't control who likes him. Clinton is on the record saying racist things about black men saying "They are super predators" and "Need to be exterminated". I don't have links to the videos but 30 seconds of googling will find it. Secondly, the Democratic party has simply help basically a monopoly of black voters votes because the are the ones who "care about them", well after 8 years of Obama nothing has changed. Arguably it has gotten worse, and Clinton is just a waaaaaaay worse version of Obama, Trump wants to help education in areas of high poverty and help bring in jobs that caused many high poverty areas to be high poverty in the first place. This is not to mention the amount of lies that Clinton has told and the fact that her opinion is bought and sold more than anyone's in history. If you do five minutes of research behind all the empty claims and attacks the MSM has thrown at Trump you will see they are lies and completely biased. For example, watch the O'Keefe videos they are somewhere on this subreddit. Hope I helped you decide on the right guy for the job.

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