Asmongold's thoughts on the WoW Subreddit

The WoW subreddit is bad for me because of how unfocused on the game it actually is in regards to whats going on. Balance changes, patch notes or other important info are almost non-existent on there due to the playerbase the sub caters to.

The PoE subreddit has the issue of people thinking theyre way smarter than they are, burnt out from playing the same game for 4 years straight and just shit on the game in their spare time instead of playing it. PoE has one of the most overwhelmingly negative subreddits imo and is so far disconnected from the people actually playing it that theyve completely lost touch.

For the most part, I think the WoW sub is the r/pics of WoW community and the experience of the people using subs like PoE or WoW are just so far gone from the average player at this point that it doesnt matter.

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