I assume this has been posted before but just in case it hasn’t… Taylor being the prettiest girl at school yet singing about how a girl is the reason she cries

I'm 50/50 on the boob job but she's definitely had work done on her face. Her eyes look totally different than they did 10 years ago and her nose is more of a perfect ski slope. Homegirl looks lovely either way but it's very clear she's had plastic surgery. I did kinda like her eyes pre-eyelid-surgery though - they were more unique. Boob job or no, her tits look fantastic and I hope she knows it. As you said, most celebs get plastic surgery. It's not some kind of moral failing on their part, either...if your image is a huge part of your career then of course you want to look as perfect as possible. Those of us who aren't selling ourselves as commodities for a living actually have the luxury of growing to appreciate our physical imperfections without fearing they'll compromise our success.

/r/GaylorSwift Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it