Atomic Dome - Contax G1 28mm TriX

Hiroshima, Japan.

I was here a few years ago. I met a really nice man across the river, on the delta, who survived the blast because he was outside the city. He pointed out in the distance, to a parking lot. He told me that that's where his sister worked. She died instantly. He told me of the people covered in burns right after the blast and how they all had to wade in the river in hopes that they could heal/feel better. The man was feeding sparrows, as he does everyday. He told me that it was to make amends for what he did after the bomb dropped. As a young boy with his whole family having just died, he had to forage in the wilderness for food. The only thing he found were sparrows; he caught and ate them everyday for many years so he could survive. As an adult, he deeply regretted what he had to do. He had been feeding the sparrows in the same spot for over 10 years when I met him. They were so accustomed to him that they would land on his arms and shoulders, sometimes the weight would be too much for his frail body. I will never forget this man.

Did you visit the museum by any chance? It was quite an experience.

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