The audacity!

Every Pede ever the first time they see LGBTQP

06:30pm Pede: Comes to r/t_d after a long days work Pede: Sorta by new first ;) Pede: Sorts by hot

07:00pm Pede: "kid drag show wtf?" Pede: clicks article Pede: reads article " the LGBTQP movement is growing rapidly to more inclusive and is making a concerted effort to expand it's user base " Pede: "Hmm LGBTQ... P?"

07:10pm Pede:Goes to Google Pede typing:" What does the 'p' in LGBTQP Stand for?" Pede:" !!!!!!??!?!!"

08:00 pm Store clerk: " hi, how can I help you?" Pede: " Hi there, I'd like 2,000 rds .556 , 20 boxes of shells, 500 rds 9mm."

Pede: " Also do you know where the nearest church is I'm in need of some holy water "

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